Rebirth Your Mind | Renae Meade
Midwife, Hypnobirthing Practitioner, Postpartum Doula
Central Gippsland, VIC
E: rebirthyourmind@gmail.comP: 0488 985 050
IG: @rebirthyourmind
I understand that pregnancy is a varied experience, and I’d like to guide and support YOU on your journey. I’m passionate about bringing joy and positivity to your experience.
I believe the best place to start is by increasing your knowledge and ensuring you feel well prepared for the birth of your newborn + your postpartum phase. I want YOU to feel empowered & confident to navigate & embrace the transition to Motherhood – your Matrescence.
As a certified Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioner I can teach you and your birth partner a unique and comprehensive Childbirth Education - The Positive Birth Program
As your Postpartum Support I will be by your side; to listen to what you need, to nourish and care for your body, to offer guidance and hold space for YOU – the Newborn Mother.
Rebirth with Renae has been a couple of years in the making. Through my 10+ years experience as a Registered Nurse and Midwife, working in remote, rural and metropolitan hospitals across Australia, I wanted to give more to women and their partners. I want to provide you with non-judgemental care and give you non-bias information to ensure you make informed choices when it comes to YOUR antenatal, birth and postpartum experience.