Emma Park Nutritionist
Microbiome & Probiotics Nutritionist for Conception, Pregnancy and beyond
Mornington Peninsula, VIC & Online
W: emmaparknutritionist.com.auE: hello@emmaparknutritionist.com.au
P: 0427 440 097
IG: @emmaparknutritionist
My name is Emma Park and I’m a Holistic Nutritionist specialising in Gut Health & The Microbiome.
I’ve been in private practice for 8 years and have helped thousands of clients optimise their gut & microbiome to support their health & wellbeing goals in one-to-one consults, group workshops & community education programs.
I’m also the Health Professional Educator for Qiara Probiotics, a small Australian Probiotic company that makes an incredible breastmilk strain probiotic.
For the last 5 years it’s been my (part-time) job to educate other Health Professionals on the role of the Microbiome & Probiotics in Pregnancy, Breastfeeding & Early Infancy, particularly Midwives, Lactation Consultants, Maternal Child Health Nurses & Obstetricians.
I’ve also attended many (or most!) of the Professional Conferences in these fields which is how I ended up with so many awesome connections with Maternity Care Health Professionals and learning so much about the maternity healthcare system in Australia.
After learning this and the current ‘stats’ and hearing so many stories from unprepared Mums & Dads having disempowered and traumatic birth experiences (not to mention pregnancy, breastfeeding & early infant complications!) I was propelled to write online education programs for mums, dads & health professionals that can empower them to improve these stats and outcomes.
It's my mission to improve the microbiomes, guts and immune systems of our mums, infants & future humans... https://thefirst1000days.com.au/